Circular Makerspaces

it seems the partners involved in the Pop Machina EU-funded project are coming out with reports on what they’ve found, see Useful resources — Pop machina
e.g. Building circular maker capacity through training

also see The Circular Economy - Makerspace Adelaide for what’s going on in Adelaide, Australia.

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That’s some good work.
I’ll draw/ref this in my own Masters work.

Related, found this paper yesterday that takes us down a few pegs:

this is new, from my university but from a unit I’m not affiliated directly with. will watch out for more from this project Towards circular prototyping – Part 1 | Aalto Design Factory

interested in this topic as well. Me and my colleagues are working on the concept of circular based makerspace or fablab for local communities to develop future or new skills in crisis zones (we are based in Rivne, Ukraine)

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nice to hear!

I think there have been some newer research articles lately on this topic. could post them here.
also Alessandra wrote a nice blog post about circularity and Fab City