SDG 1: No Poverty: end poverty in all its forms everywhere

In the run-up to the annual Fab conference, we want to pay more attention to the UN Sustainable Development Goals in the various Fab media. This week, SDG 1 is central: No Poverty; end poverty in all its forms everywhere.
A total of 230 fab labs have drawn up an SDG profile so far. Of these, 9 fab labs (= 4%) have included SDG 1 in their profile. That could be more, so it seems all the more important to go into it more deeply, we think.
SDG 1 No Poverty unites seven ambitious “targets”. You can see them in the image below. Stick it on the wall in your lab, talk about the targets and see if and how you fab labs could contribute in some way.

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Fab Labs with SDG 1 in their SDG Profile

You may be curious about which fablabs all have SDG 1 in their profile. It can be interesting to get to know them and possibly work together. See the picture!

You can also go to the interactive overview at; click on the funnel icon at the top right; tick the desired SDG. You will immediately see a filtered list of fablabs. Click on a lab and you will be taken to its contact details page at