DAMA Space - A new Star in Milano

:bulb: DAMA Space :bulb:

Our FabLab “DamA Space” born from a partnership with 3DiTALY and DAMA – Digital Arts & Manufacturing Academy, in Milano and is able to manage educational activities and support to craftman community.

:tools: We have a lot of technologies: 3d printers, robotic arms, laser cutters, milling machines, software CAD locations, vinil plotters.

:calendar_spiral: We are open every days to spread the opportunities and the potentials of digital fabrication.

:electric_plug: We are connected with Milano’s Makerspaces Network.

:muscle: The founders of our fablab are a perfect mix of knowlodges: physicits, architects, designers, jueles designer.

:arrow_right: http://www.dama.academy
:arrow_right: http://www.dama.academy/dama-makerspace-milano/