Discussion about BATI-FABLAB Toulon

BATI-FABLAB est un centre Services multi enseignes qui fournit sous un même toit, tous les services pour construire, de la recherche d’un terrain, à la construction d’une maison, d’un immeuble, de bâtiments professionnels, d’abris, d’une extension…et même de meublesBATI-FABLAB is a community lab equipped with a mechanically controlled steel profiling machine. It provides tools and services to build, houses, buildings, professional buildings, and even furniture. It also provides a co-working space and equipments such as :
Roll forming machine (steel framed buildings), Plan printing machine A0, Printer, Pallet truck, 3D workstation with BIM design software, Finite element calculation, among other tools.

This is the general thread for discussing the lab; the thread is also visible on its page at https://www.fablabs.io/labs/batifablabtoulon