Discussion about Fablab Taipei

Fablab Taipei opened at May 2013, and now operated by Taiwan Makers Association, a community based non profit organization. Our goal is to build a paradise for makers in Taipei. By letting people learn and utilize digital fabrication tool, Fablab Taipei want to help everyone to make almost anything and enhance global collaboration!


Hello Fab Lab Taipei, just got submitted our application for fab lab organization and you’re one of our referee fab labs. We’re eager to hear from you soon for your evaluation. Thank you so much.

You may visit us with our discussion: Discussion about Digihub - FAB LAB Davao

Hi all international makers and hackers. During the COVID-19 outbreak in Belgium right now, our medical services are out of mouth mask supplies. So we are creating a think tank to produce designs and advice for DIY mouth masks makers. For now we seem to advice to use double-layered cotton and no elastics (so that the hospitals can wash the masks at 90°C) Also all input is welcome on advice on production steps and hacks for all other medical parts which are not available at the moment. We need to share this information with other involved countries. Please join the conversation. Please share your expertise. Maybe your governments / scientific institutions can help? Please think along. Thank you.


We are now in the process of developing an international databse.

This is a list of initiatives per country, of open civic tech communities who are trying to look for solutions against the covid-19 crisis and who you can join right now and ask for help or offer help: https://bit.ly/3bizew3

At the bottom of the document you’ll see we are in the process of making a web development from this source document. Welcome to join our efforts!


Kind regards,

Part of the German government hackathon: https://devpost.com/software/internationale-liste-covid-19-communities-hackathons