FabLabKL is part of Asia School of Business’ Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center (ASB-IEC). Founded by Prof. Rajesh Nair (IEC Director, ASB senior lecturer) its aim is two-fold:
- to be a change agent, first locally and later in the region, for innovation and entrepreneurship
- to offer the best ecosystem for ASB students to engage in, linking them to tinkerers, makers, and the local startup scene
Our immediate goal is to be a role model FabLab to garner support for the establishment of even more FabLabs in Malaysia. The current business model is to generate revenue from innovation and entrepreneurship courses i.e. ASB 48-hour MakerFest, Design Thinking for Decision Makers, etc. in order to cost neutral the setup costs and procurement of digital fabrication equipment and eventually be self-sustaining.
This is the general thread for discussing the lab; the thread is also visible on its page at https://www.fablabs.io/fablabkl