Discussion about Kom In Centro de Innovación

We have spaces for the prototyping of products and services, with machinery and offices focused on this purpose.
We offer 3 services:
We provide personalized advice to our clients in specific projects and appropriate to their needs, according to this, we generate severak stages that will allow validate their prototypes.

We seek to improve at an environmental level the products of our clients from its Initial analysis until the end of the lifetime, in order to generate improvements in several issues and to reduce the environmental impact besides the reduction on the production cost.
We classify our spaces in Co-Working and Maker, with memberships ranging from daily to monthly.
The Maker space has a prototyping workshop with machinery specialized in working with any type of material such as wood, metal, plastic, foam, among others. Some of the equipment that stand out in our workshop are: the thermoformer, the cnc router, 3d scanner 3d printer, fixed machines such as drills and sanders.

This is the general thread for discussing the lab; the thread is also visible on its page at https://www.fablabs.io/labs/kominicentrodeinnovacion

Buen día kom In, soy Mauricio Avila, encargado del laboratorio de prototipos de CIDET, un centro de investigación y desarrollo en la ciudad de Medellín.
Estamos muy interesados en conocer las capacidades tecnológicas que tienen y ver de que manera se complementan con las nuestras , con el fin de poder ofrecer servicios colaborativos entre ambos fab-labs.
Si están interesados en conocernos, podemos programar una reunión para tener un primer acercamiento.
Muchas gracias de antemano por la atención prestada.
Un saludo.
Mauricio Avila
Laboratorio de prototipos CIDET
cel. 350 767 2736