FabLabs.io - Discussions on new features

An interesting thing to do with this type of “credentials” is more of a indicator experience of the participation for each lab registered on the platform. In this way we make people/fablabs to participate to earn points for their fablab and define their participation in the platform, establishing the most actives. This is what we are trying to do for the fablat network,

Would this "participation-meter " guarantee a quick removal of all the fake/ghost labs in the list? and this… :tada:

“Who can use a fab lab?
Fab labs are available as a community resource, offering open access for individuals as well as scheduled access for programs”

who are these individuals? … can they be a group of students in a specific class in a specific university and no one else? or “open access to everybody”? I heard that a lot… as in public access is one of the fundementals values of the network… is it?

and to be honest, that’s pretty much the only thing I think should be considered in the accreditation process… as long as there are a few tools , people from anywhere sharing knowledge, basic electronics and maybe one or two machines. A 3d printer and a stupid plotter should be allright, there’s a lot of fun, creativity and talking that can happen with only these two machines. 2 machines, electronic and open access. that’s all a fablab need to be on the list :kissing_closed_eyes:

Regarding the filtering of Labs, you can follow and comment the development of this feature on GitHub here: https://github.com/fablabbcn/fablabs/issues/170

Here’s how to translate Fablabs.io to Portuguese: https://github.com/fablabbcn/fablabs/issues/180 :slight_smile:

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Portuguese version ready!


We are working a lot on the Project section, especially with European Research projects like MAKE-IT and Made@EU. The topic is very complex, so it will take time to address it. But we are already working on this. More information soon :slight_smile:

You can already Like each comment, which is a way for voting.

You can now see who’s online, just under the header! If you click on the user avatar, you can then send a message to her/him:

… or “Tutorials”? Would it have a specific structure, or just a page to edit?

I think you can already do something like this here in the Discuss section… or do you need any specific feature?

Absolutely! We are working on a new design, more information soon! :slight_smile:

We are working on it here: https://github.com/fablabbcn/fablabs/issues/101

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This is potentially as big as the Internet. I’ve seen and experienced myself initiatives like this, and it’s a lot of work that requires highly committed people. Otherwise, just the Discuss section is ok for the moment. I’d wait for something like this until there is a huge request; it’s not hard to code it, it’s difficult that it works and it’s very hard to maintain.

Something like/with this: https://openbadges.org/get-started/

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Hello, I would like a “dark theme” here. Like many site do.

Pretty self explanatory.
If you come visit Avignon in France, visit us ! :wink:

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Boa tarde!

Uma dificuldade que encontro para finalizar a documentação dos projetos é tempo para sentar em frente ao computador e selecionar fotos, vídeos, etc.

Uma ferramenta patica é o Smartphone e um app. Um exemplo é o instructables, eles possuem um app para o usuário documentar ao mesmo tempo que ele desenvolve seu projeto.

Acredito que ficará mais dinâmico o processo.

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We have been thinking about it for a while now, right now we are improving the infrastructure & interface & approval process. But then we’ll improve the Projects section, at that point it will be easier to do something for it. But with the new API system we are developing right now it should be easier for anybody to create a custom app!

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Show, estou a disposição para ajudar no que for possivel.

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@luciana123 any feedback?

@luciano as well… any idea?