Isvor FabLab - not listed


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Hello to all, i just want to report that Isvor FabLab is not yet on the list. It is a very prolif lab in Brazil, with Carolina Marini who is helping the Brazilian FabLab Network very much. And they have a very interesting space inside a Corporate University (FIAT CHRYSLER) with all the machines from the inventory (most of our designs and the presentation we did on Fab12 it hers). It is open for 6 months now. How can we help put them on the list? What is missing?

Thank you

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It has been registered twice, but in one case only one Referee Lab approved it, in the other case no Referee Lab approved it.

So, I suggest that Fab Lab San Diego and Fab Lab Lima check and approve it, and then we delete the other duplicate.

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@kenzoabiko, could you talk with the Referee Labs and with Isvor to see if they can talk together, check the lab and approve it?

Yes Massimo, just did that, thanks!

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Hi @kenzoabiko,

Please upload more information about FabLab Isvor here for your Referee Labs

Hello to all!

Isvor Fab Lab is a laboratory settled at Isvor, which is a corporate university of Fiat Chrysler LATAM. Our core business is the development and change of mindsets. Besides its daily usage, our space is used for workshops that develop new abilities in people. Our focus is on doing and building in order to install a user centered and prototyping mindset experimentation culture. We focus much more on the empowerment through prototyping of ideas and promotion of the collaboration and capacitation to generate innovation.
In order for final approval, we are open to show our structure and our capabilities for that Fab Lab standards.
If you have other doubts please, let me know.

Thank you!

@beno @luciana123 @shawnwallace @openp2pdesign. Any news?

Thanks for your support and i hope there will be opportunities for us to collaborate on some projects soon

Hello all, Isvor Fab Lab was approved, here it is: