A couple of weeks ago I found out that our fablab was not on the list here on fablabs.io so I have registerd our CODA Fablab quickly. (we are already member of FablabBenelux) But now about 2 months later our lab is still not in the public list. Did I forgot something to do or fill in? Or am I too soon and should I wait a bit more?
we have the same problem here and it has taken already 4 months and our lab is not showing in the public list. Our lab Fab Lab Raseko can be found from the “Is your Lab already on the list?” part when trying to add again our Lab. Is there something wrong or do I just have to wait longer. I can reach www.fablabs.io/fablabraseko but our Lab is not in the map or in the public list. I would like to have answer why is it is not there yet???
We have the same problem, I have registered our fablab Escuela Americana Fablab on May 2017 and one year later nothing happened!
I’ll appreciate very much if I could have any more information about the process because I don’t know what to do either.