The Upper St. Clair High School Fab Lab and Innovation Hub was launched with the start of the 2014-15 school year and contains two components – a state-of-the art digital fabrication laboratory, or FAB Lab (one of the first in Pennsylvania), and SHOP @USC. It serves as a resource center to bridge the concepts taught in traditional classrooms and the real-world applications of those concepts for every high school student.
The FAB Lab can integrate any subject from English to social studies to art with fields like engineering, design, and fabrication. The FAB Lab utilizes three-dimensional printing, laser engraving, vinyl cutting, wood routing, three-dimensional scanning, and computer design programs.
SHOP@USC (Showing How Opportunity Pays @ USC) provides opportunities for students with significant disabilities and students in the Life Skills Support Program with the opportunity to establish and run their own business. SHOP@USC also provides authentic peer interactions between non-disabled students and students with disabilities. The students are producing and selling greeting cards and specialty USC spirit wear.