Fab Labs did you identify your SDG-profile already?

Fab Labs did you identify your SDG-profile already?

SDGs and SDG-profile

SDGs are the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals to be completed by all countries by 2030. The SDG-profile of your fab lab is a set of 3-4 SDGs (out of 17) which characterizes the external orientation of your lab. These SDG-profiles will be added to the worldwide fab lab directory.

Why should you identify your SDG-profile?

Identifying your SDG profile makes you conscious of your fab lab’s place in the world. You also reflect on the great challenges governments worldwide agreed upon, learn the jargon applied, and augment opportunities where your fab lab could make a difference. Exchanging the profiles improves your visibility and helps you searching for fab labs to partner with.

Workshop format

Our international workgroup “Fab Labs and SDGs” prepared a format for a workshop with your staff to develop your fab lab’s SDG-profile. You find the workshop manual for the fab lab manager here: http://bit.ly/fab14-sdgs-fablabmanager. For background information on the 17 SDGs and their 169 underlying targets they developed an interactive mindmap. In English: http://bit.ly/fab14-sdgs-mindmap, in Spanish http://bit.ly/SIMBIO2018-ODS.

Once you have identified your SDG-profile, you can upload it via http://bit.ly/fab14-sdgs-form.

Workgroup “Fab Labs and SDGs”

The international workgroup “Fab Labs and SDGs” consists of Pieter van der Hijden (The Netherlands & Suriname) (chair) with Enrico Bassi (Italy), Vaneza Caycho Ñuflo (Peru), Neville Govender (South Africa), Arundhati Jadhav (India), Yogesh Kulkarni (India), Noksy Letsoalo (South Africa), Jean-Baptiste Natali (New Zealand), Wendy Neale (New Zealand)

Contact: pvdh@sofos.nl

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Thank you! As a new Fab Lab we’re excited about the opportunity to serve our community here in Tampa and to be an active member of the Fab Lab community working towards common goals for the greater good. I’ve downloaded the workshop manual and look forward to holding a workshop with our team here to identify the SDGs we can work towards.

Great, Terry, hope to hear your experiences soon!

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Update: Fab Labs and SDGs

New developments

  • Apart from the How to Party Amost Anywhere chat on Telegram, there is now a new chat there, dedicated to Fab Labs and SDGs. If you would like to join: https://t.me/joinchat/EHnuvhCS9KROWo5xb-HTmg.
  • Since a month or so, as a group we also have an entry point on our Gitlab in the Fab Cloud: see the group (directory of projects) on Fab Lab Management, sub-group “Fab Labs and U.N. Sustainable Development Goals” with one project so far: all documentation on our workshops; so all documentation is now available and brought onder version control: https://gitlab.fabcloud.org/fl-management/fl-sdgs/sdg-workshop


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Pieter and others: Colombia is the first country to release a White Paper on ‘transformative innovation policy’:
see http://www.tipconsortium.net/news/colombia-embraces-new-innovation-theory-from-spru-as-national-strategy-for-post-conflict-development/
and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVaLiF2ceSg
fab labs are nothing but user-side innovation intermediaries but few are framing them as such.

Great! the greenest news are coming from global South. That is good news!

We had a great meeting to identify our goals - and even had a guest from the Netherlands with us at the time, which was fun. We selected three SDGs that seemed to most closely align with our nonprofit mission and goals and the goals of our new Fab Lab, under development in Tampa, Florida.

You can read about the SDGs we chose, and how we feel we can further them in our community, here: https://amroctampabay.com/2019/05/11/amroc-sdgs/

In short, we felt that:

  • SDG 4: Obtaining a quality education is at the heart of all we do, and at AMRoC Fab Lab we pledge ourselves to quality educational offerings that inspire and empower, creating agency and self-sufficiency by giving youth and adults hands on learning opportunities that develop 21st century soft skills in communications, digital literacy and STEM engagement.
  • SDG 8: Focused on creating opportunities for meaningful, impactful work, AMRoC Fab Lab will help foster economic growth and improve work opportunities by supporting entrepreneurship capabilities , access to training and certifications, and helping create new jobs.
  • SDG 9: Inclusive and sustainable industrial development is vital to the improvement of the community in which we work, as it is with the rest of the world. AMRoC Fab Lab itself s a living example of industrial innovation, established in a repurposed retail space . At AMRoC Fab Lab, we will contribute to the development of sustainable technological and manufacturing solutions, and leverage micromanufacturing capablities that bring manufacturing within reach of more people and small businesses.

Overall we found the experience helpful in seeing how we fit into the global community, and how we can help bring agency and improved social outcomes to more people through the hands on learning opportunities, experiences and certifications and trainings we will be offering.

Hi All,

This is Vaibhav Chhabra from Fablab Maker’s Asylum and Fablab Delhi. Super excited to see this initiative to bring all the fablabs together to work on the SDGs.
I would like to bring to your light the following 2 programs that we have been running at our Fablab for the past 3 years, focused on SDGs.
STEAM school - has done 3 programs with over 300 alumni. LINK
SDG school - rebranded STEAM school into SDG school happening in Paris this July. LINK:

FYI the Stockholm Resilience Centre has a new Handbook out now
Human right to a healthy environment for a thriving Earth:
Handbook for weaving human rights, SDGs, and the post-2020 global biodiversity framework

Everyone’s Warehouse! Happy to join!

Hii global family, we just appears on the mindmap of SDGs :slight_smile:

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