A Global Fab lab Handbook

While working in the fab lab, I noticed that people who use the lab for the first time generally ask the same questions, like How does this machine work, what is the technology, what is the input file etc. I understand the people working in other fab labs must also face a similar situation.

So I started working on a Handbook that ordinary users can understand and since most fab labs share similar inventory, the process can be simplified. I’ve tried to bring together a content structure that tries to address the most common questions related to fab labs and I arrived at something like this.

Each Fabrication technique has four pages,

  1. How it works? (Explain the process)
  2. The Machine Details (Explain a bit about the machine, and capabilities)
  3. A DIY Example (An easy example which explains all the steps)
  4. Fabrication Possibilities (What all can be made with this fabrication technique)

I wanted to keep the technicalities to a minimum, only explaining what a person needs to know about the fabrication technique and open their mind to the possibilities it offers.

So far I’ve made one version of the handbook for our lab. I’m not a designer, and I made this handbook using Canva and powerpoint (novice).

You can find the handbook on my Github page.


I want to take it further and make a universal framework so that other labs can make handbooks of their own or contribute to a single source.

It would be awesome if more people would join in and we can work together to make it happen.

Looking forward to your suggestions and feedbacks.



Hi @rahulsrajan,

I am “watching” this repo. I will read your previous work and see how best to contribute.

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Maybe something that could be done collaboratively with a GitBook?

You can also save the books on any Git repo with the GitBook editor, not just on GitBook.com, so we could even host it here soon :slight_smile:

Yes, that would be good. My initial goal was to make a print version of Handbook and I wanted it to be more visual so that it can keep the attention of the reader. Can we create the same visual experience using Gitbook? I’m under the impression that Git book is more text heavy.

Another thought I was having is to make an HTML version of it, so people can edit it and can be hosted anywhere. But I’m not so good with HTML yet.

For a collaborative work, We can start a Gitbook project and let people join in.