Discussion about Camion Numérique

A truck specially equiped with printer, laser cut, scan, vacuum…
It go to all the rural place, on villages over Provence.

This is the general thread for discussing the lab; the thread is also visible on its page at https://www.fablabs.io/labs/camionnumrique

Hello @Pierre84200 we have detected that the following email contact: contact@garenumerique.fr has already been used LAB Gare Numérique. Please confirm that is not a duplicate. Have a nice day

Hi, yes that’s the same mail but 2 differents fablab. For the “camion numérique” if you prefer you can put this mail : pierre.brouard@lacove.fr
The “Camion Numérique” is a mobile fablab and the LAB Gare Numérique is a local FABLAB with différents actions and users.
Have a good day