(FAB)LAB DIGISCOPE is a fabrication laboratory dedicated to the researchers involved into the Digiscope Project. The lab is managed by the INRIA-AVIZ team, at the Digiteo Lab building, in Gif-sur Yvette, on le Plateau de Saclay, near Paris.
Our (fab)lab is equipped with 3D printers (3x), a laser-cutter, a circuit-board plotter, a vinyl-cutter, a sewing/embroidery machine and many electronic devices so as to provide the necessary facilities to create new hardware for interaction devices. This (fab)lab is available to all the members of the Digiscope project and it is open to every person who wishes to become more familiar with digital fabrication. Everything starts by making a booking on our website: www.fablabdigiscope.wordpress.com. So go for it!
Hello, Fablab Digiscope!
At december 2018, we registered our center for youth innovation creativity as FabLab. Specialization of our center: the creation of 3D-content - for 3D printing, animation, computer games. I will be glad to joint projects and friendly visits! Attached our promo video (But in Russian )!
Please confirm our friendly relations and cooperation. It seems to me because of the lack of feedback, we don’t appear on the fab labs map at all!
Please visit our page in the directory https://www.fablabs.io/labs/station
Our activity you can see in FabLab instagramm @so3day/
Nous avons mis sur pied un nouveau fablab en suisse, le Fablab-Riviera. Nous nous sommes inscrits sur [fablabs.io]. Et nous attendons qu’un des 3 référents valide notre inscription.
Comme nous sommes dans une régions exclusivement francophone, tout notre site et pages Facebook sont en français, ce qui fait que les autre référents anglophones ont de la peine à nous valider.
Quelles sont les démarche à faire pour que vous reconnaissiez notre fablab?
L’adresse de notre Laboratoire sur fablabs.iohttps://www.fablabs.io/labs/fablabrivieravevey
Notre site internet https://fablab-riviera.ch
Je vous remercie
Guillaume Reymond