Funding for opening new FabLab

Now I’m establishing a new FabLab in the south of Russia and I’d like to create a list of banks or other financial institutions that have a special offers for Fablabs like low credit interest rate.

Does FabFoundation has such global partners that can help with fund raising ?

Also I appreciate any stories about where your lab has found initial capital for opening :slight_smile:

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I really like this topic ! Thanks so much for opening.
In France we worked hard and then the city (grand Avignon) gave us one year of charges we have. But I still would like to expand the Fablab.:woman_mechanic::man_mechanic::sweat_smile::face_with_monocle:

Fabeconomy is about to create a platform to help fablabs in this way, also fab lab platform from do so, but I think they are under construction yet, so check them out every once in a while.

Fab Lab Isfahan