How to ask to remove a duplicated Lab

Hello makers and managers. How can we ask to remove an old duplicated Lab infos?
We had register our fablab years ago, with the slug “fablabriviera” and the lab was not accessible by a bug… so we had to register a new one with “ch” at the end of our name. And now we have seen that the first inscription is now back, and accessible to update the infos. So cool. But now we want to remove the double “fablabrivierach” and keep the first one with the right name “fablabriviera” only.
I didn’t find where to do that ou ask that.
Best regards
Guillaume in Switzerland

Sorry, I was struggling with it today. I will have a look again and let you know.

AFAIK it is fixed now. Please, check.

a huge thank you Pieter for everything you do for the community. Everything is in order

Thank you, Guillaume.

Maybe, you can also do something for the Fablabs and SDGs group. We published our monthly update this morning (see Unfortunately Fablab Riviera isn’t there. Here is the fragment for Switzerland:

Please, check our manual at Manual: How to align your Fab Lab / Makerspace with the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Pieter van der Hijden et al. | PDF. You can submit your Fablab SDG profile via Fab Lab SDG Profile Registration Form and you will be on the map from our early April update.

All the best from Suriname,
Pieter van der Hijden

Hello managers,

I would like to ask to remove a duplicated Lab registration, since both refers to the same Lab, which is FabLabFHA.

The one we would like to remove is on the link bellow:

Thank you in advance.

Best regards,

Carolina Lobo Silva

Sorry for the delay. I just removed the lab as you asked.

Pieter van der Hijden