Lab Null on Map View

Who is the contact to set Suncoast Science Center/Faulhaber Fab Lab status as Active on the map view as it once was? It is now listed as Null. We would like to be eligible for the Autodesk/Fab Lab software partnership. Thank you very much.

AFAIK somebody (with a personal account for should go to the Lab Null page on There they can claim “I work here”. I do not know which process is followed from there, but anyway, this is the first step.

If this does not help, please write the system manager Norella at

All the best,
Pieter van der Hijden

At this point it appears the referral to Norella to update the maps with current fab lab request leads to a dead end. I have sent numerous emails and submissions to change our lab status to Active over the past several years. I have even volunteered to be that person that updates the listings. A partnership was made with the Fab Foundation and Autodesk for free software with an Active fab lab status. It is unfortunate that progress was made then failed on behalf of the Fab Foundation to represent its global network. I think it’s time for your referrals to go to someone who can better manage the listings.

Eric McGrath
Faulhaber Fab Lab