No response to the application to become a fablab

Hello everyone!
More than four months ago I completed the application to join the FabLab community under the name FabLab UNSA.
I have not received any email from either the fablabs team or the referees and I would like to know if there was a problem that does not allow the lab to be an active member of the community.
I look forward to hearing from you

Thank you

Hi César,

Great that you wnt to register your fablab. Sorry that nobody reacted so far. But here is a shortcut: To complete the registration, ask the system administrator to let your fablab “in” in an appropriate way. Please, write directly to

Once your registration has been completed, it would be great if you could set-up a so-called SDG profile for your fablab. Therefore you have two options:

The current overview of all Fablabs with SDG profile is on Visualize with MindManager.

All the best from Amsterdam,
Pieter van der Hijden

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same here. Last communication was October 2022.

Dear Fab Friends at CSNC Fabmanlab,

When I look at I find “csncfabmanlab” registered as if it were a person instead of a lab. In fact somebody even did this twice.

Please, forget and follow this procedure:

  1. Register yourself as a human being.
  2. Then login, and go to Labs | FabLabs
  3. Press ADD A LAB and complete the form (where you confirm that you as a human being are working for this lab)
  4. Do not forget to submit this form and after about a week your application will be processed, if not REACT.

Good luck and best regards,
Pieter van der Hijden

Dear Pieter,

We filled out the application form to register our fablab UDLA at fablab io, but our referred fablabs (Fab Lab Barcelona, fablab Lima, fablab open dot) have not received any notification, and they cannot find us either, as can be seen in the attached images. We have tried to submit the application again, but it shows that our name is already taken because we previously submitted the application. We kindly request your assistance.

Also we wrote to, and but we have not had an answer and the last two emails seem not to work.

Sincerely, Danny Vallejo,
fablab UDLA Operator.

Dear Danny,

In there is only a user with the name fablab udla (since about a year).

Is your full name Danny Santiago Vallejo Imbaquingo? Then you are a user as well (since about four years).

To register a fablab, a human being (user) should login, goto the fablabs list and press Add Fablab. Etc. Please try and let me know.

All the best from Delhi (on my way to Bhutan),
Pieter van der Hijden

Hello Pieter,

Previously we did what you indicated and now I did it again. I think the lab has been duplicated since I see two Fablab UDLA entries in the “Is your lab already on the list” section. Could you please help me by checking if the laboratory is on the list because I believe it is not appearing despite filling out the form that appears after clicking on “Add lab”?

Hi Danny,

Very frustrating, I guess.

It looks as if you are still in the middle of the admission process. I cannot see your fablab, only a user with that name (without further activity).

Are you sure you completed the Add Lab form, included three reference labs, a “slug” AND at the very end of the form pressed ADD LAB again?

Do you remember what you filled in as slug for your lab?



Thanks for your fast answer. Yes, I’m sure that I completed the form correctly twice. In the slug section the first time I put ¨fablab UDLA¨ and in the second one, I put just ¨UDLA¨.

I tried (please repeat it yourself):
https:// / labs / yourslug.
If the slug is UDLA, the system tells me i am not authorised for the page.
If the slug is either “fablabUDLA” or “fablab%20UDLA” the reponse is fablab not found.
I cannot explain these differences.
I assume at least one of your registrations is now being processed.

However when i look at the history of user UDLA or user danny … vallejo … i do not see any recent activity. Which user account did you use?

Anyway, you could now ask the reference fablabs to confirm. If there still are issues, prepare a message to and cc to me

Pieter van der Hijden

I did as you suggested, I logged in using the username and used the slug UDLA ( Next, I could see that the lab’s page is created and also confirmed that the three referee labs are there, as you can see in the image. We will proceed as you have suggested and we will contact them and ask if they have received any notifications. finally I will inform you of any updates. In any case, if you can help us in any other way, I would be very grateful.

Great, you are back on track. I cannot see your lab myself; that depends on the approval process.

However, I can see activity in the page of user fablabUDLA. See screenshot below.

What you could do while waiting for approval, is thinking about an SDG Profile for your fablab, ie a selection of up to four of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, most appropriate for your lab. These profiles are separately administered (and monthly joined with data).

To add your fab lab to the map you have two options:

FYI You can browse the 17 SDGs and their underlying targets via

BTW do you know whether some people from Ecuador are attending the FAB23 BHUTAN conference?

Best regards,
Pieter van der Hijden

Thank you very much Pieter for your recomendations.Aand I don`t know anyone who is attending to that event sorry.

Dear Pieter,

Just to inform you, we received two notifications that the Fablab has been approved, which means that our lab page has been duplicated. The first one has the slug /UDLA, and the second one has the slug /fablabudla. We would like to keep the page with the slug /fablabudla, which is the one with the red background logo, and delete the other one (white background logo). If you can, please advise on how to proceed. I appreciate your attention in advance.

Hi Danny,

Go to the “old” fablab and change its activity status to “closed”.

If I remember correctly, you then can decide whether the fablabs records have to be erased or kept. If you choose the former, you will not see the lab any more in files; if you choose the latter, its records are still on board, beit with the flag “activity status = closed”.

If your fablab does not have a rich history (in the records), you can avoid future confusion by erasing the records.

Does this help?

Dear Pieter,
To inform you that the wrong account(fablabUDLA) already has the activity status: closed, however, it does not allow me to delete it. I want to avoid confusion when searching for our correct account (fablab UDLA), so if you could recomend us, how to completely delete the wrong account (fablabUDLA).

(the one with the logo in black and white is the wrong one fablabUDLA)
(the one with the logo in pink is correct account fablab UDLA)

I managed to register myself as a temporary employee, you did as well? But indeed I do not see an option to delete the whole record anymore.

Later I will try to set the status to Active again, and again back to closed to see whether I can delete the record at that moment.

If you have access you also can try that yourself.

Anyway keep me informed to avoid making the issue bigger.


I did not manage to remove the OLD UDLA fablab record with B/W logo.

I will forward this message to Jean-Michel Molenaar directly for follow-up.


Hi Pieter,
Would you advise me to do the same* with BioLab Lisboa?
(* write to Norella)
we also completed the application some time ago and even have the SDGs uploaded :wink:

Hi Rafael,
Maybe it is wise to contact the reviewers you appointed first. Eventually you can appoint other reviewers.

If that has no success, say within a week, you can start escalation via Norella.
