Organizations approval process

Hi guys,

How is the organization approval process workflow? I mean once you submit an organization, it doesn’t appear listed and does not have a discuss topic.

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The Organization section is still highly experimental, at the moment the approval is done by the superadmins (admins of the whole platform). Any suggestion for this section is welcome!

Thank you Massimo, we are trying to create the Emirates Regional Fab Lab Network to engage the local ecosystem and it would be helpful if it is visible and editable. Who should I contact? I am not sure if it was the name we used or UAE Fab lab network.


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Among several people, me :slight_smile: I see three applications, which one would be the best? Let’s talk in messages

Ok, just approved the ones more updated in terms of labs, but you should update its details:

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Hi Massimo,

This is Hashim, I am the admin of this organization, how to edit the details as all I can do is to add new lab ( the blue button) I can’t see the option of editing the organization details!
fablabs local org

This screenshot shows what I can see as admin

sorry I registed 3 times as whenever I register I can’t see the organization so I tought it was not done, please delete the rest of the two :smiley:

Checking on US Fab Lab Network, thought we are already listed but re-sent the info


Here it is!

Updated link: