Quick survey on FabLabs around the world

From the FabLab, the University of Valladolid, Spain, we have created a quick survey to evaluate the functioning of the fablabs by continents, date of creation, average age of the workers … We will publish the results with graphs and an exhaustive analysis.

In addition, any author who wants to contribute writing the paper will be welcome.

This is the survey: https://forms.gle/d4vW6ZzL9B91CNUy5

Hi Fablab U Valladolid,

Maybe interesting for you:
220+ fablabs worldwide identified their so-called SDG-profile, ie the 3-4 Sustainable Development Goals that best fit them. You can see a map on https://bit.ly/fablist-sdgs.

Also the data are available for further analysis; so just in case, you could incorporate them into your study very easily. The data include a unique primary key, the “slug” which also is present in the list at fablabs.io.

All the best,
Pieter van der Hijden
Working Group “Fab Labs and SDGs”

hello FabLab UValladolid, it would be great if you let us/me know when and where you publish - both results but also any open data from the survey.
I’m interested in gathering up links, information, articles based on surveys, as there have been quite a few over the years.