I have a question: when we opened a couple of years ago, I registered us with on the FabLab.io site and applied for the FabLab licence for SolidWorks. This licence has now expired and our local VAR (solidsolutions.co.uk) have told us that we will now need to purchase a licence if we wish to update to the latest version. Is this correct?
Maybe you’r question can send also coordination@fabacademy.org. Which you are already know that Dassault Systemes SolidWorks Corporation is a partner of the Fab Foundation, providing SolidWorks software through sponsorship of labs
A local VAR called me too for the same reason, I told them I was a FabLab and Please go away I have a license from Dassault using the fablab agreement… they never called back. Ignore them and use the advice from barbarossa below