The MAKE-IT book: governance, collaboration and impact of the Maker movement

MAKE-IT is a Horizon 2020 European research project focused on how the role of Collective Awareness Platforms (CAPS) enables the growth and governance of the Maker movement, particularly in relation to Information Technology, using and creating social innovations and achieving sustainability. After two years, the project is almost over (we also studied a bit in it, more information soon!), and we just released a book as an introduction / recap to its activities and results.

You can download it here:

Hi @openp2pdesign
The book is currently undownloadable as the server says that I do not have the permission.

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Thanks for the notification! A problem with the upgrade of the server :slight_smile: It is fixed now! Let me know if it does not work again

Yes, It is downloadable …still have to read it. :wink:

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Only 0.68% of all projects are created collaboratively

i’m curious if the above statistic regarding overall collaboration across labs is a good thing (meaning that self-reliance and sustainability is doable) or if we’re not ready for the challenge to work more collaboratively on making stuff. Would love to see labs focusing on building the maslow’s pyramid for sustainability as a baseline for establishing sustainability in any location:

  1. Creating water from base elements (O2 & H)
  2. Creating food (plant based is fine) using the water (from 1.) and seeds (initially) and cultured DNA (eventually)
  3. Creating shelters (seen a few examples, but looking for structures that can be assembled using an extended scaffolding, with self-sustaining power generation (solar), and communications (using satellite - micro dish)
  4. Creating furnishings and appliances
  5. Creating clothing (seen a few creative examples)
  6. Creating transportation (drones, cars - templates are beginning to emerge)
  7. Creating a recycling capability

The more communities can figure out how to collaborate, perhaps developing a collaborative model using the fablabs, the faster we can achieve independence and realize the goals for democratizing manufacturing and achieve true sustainability for communities. This framework can serve as a replicable template that is much needed across the world. Just think about the ability to bring water & food to the millions starving across the world. Just imagine how water can impact the middle east.

Think about it…